3D Printed Face Shields

We’re finally putting our 3D printer to good use! We are printing face shield head bands that can be used to create face shields for first responders and hospital staff. We got the idea and print designs from Dr. Freedman at SUNY New Paltz’s Hudson Valley Additive Manufacturing Center. Below is a fast motion video […]

How do your customers see your brand?

A brand starts with name, logo or color scheme, but the vision, personality and value defines the entire customer experience. We help brands live, breathe and interact with the consumer. We do this with research, messaging, and good design.

Why WordPress?

We develop websites on the WordPress platform because of its robustness in design, easy integration with thousands of plug-ins giving websites versatility now and in the future, and ease of use post launch. We train our clients how to use and update their website going forward. Although national companies, such as Wix or Squarespace, may […]

Stop Motion Video for a Direct Mailer

 We wanted to give our summer graphic design intern, Maia Casper, a project that was a bit out of the ordinary: a stop motion video. Initially, it seemed simple enough, but it eventually became a labor of love.  A few years ago we designed a direct mailer for Amthor International with variable data (names […]

Three-Dimensional Model: an Innovative Marketing Strategy

Gilday Creative, Inc. isn’t limited to web and graphic design to develop a marketing strategy for its clients.  We use an array of innovative marketing materials for promotional campaigns.  We recently worked with a construction firm that is proposing a hotel construction project in an undeveloped parcel of land in the village of New Paltz, [...]

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